Friday, December 24, 2010

Observing Criminal Courts? How To Do?



It is fashionable in some left to take the most hackneyed themes of ecology outdated. Because that's tendency to call "sustainable development" and advocate the decay never undermine capitalism.


Under penalty of being considered old-fashioned, face ... modernists.

Here! Weird ... .. We hear the same speech bullfighting! "Modern" cons "purists" toristas!

But do not leave the subject: for example, have we not recently heard about the "media" to the orders of the single thought in all its variants officer ecological Picard, before a meeting of Medef (!!!! ), explain how the label 'sustainable development', could become a source of business and therefore profits?

Political ecology generally develops an ideology of the past, in that it freezes the capacity of society to solve its problems, waving like demons: nuclear waste, climatic disturbances, industrial food production. Too often, these themes are the subject of campaigns that are based on true facts, but develop the argument that new technology and science would be responsible for any problems encountered.

But precisely the opposite, and it is because humanity spends half of his wealth to armaments, the production is intended primarily and almost exclusively to the accumulation of financial capital that wealth is not spent as much as they should be for research development. For example, Generation Ecology and Greens howl against nuclear waste. But the waste is there! They exist! And we need to stop waving a scarecrow that does not solve this problem.

Why not think instead that these wastes could, through the development of research, be treated in such a way that would reduce harm, and above all we could shorten the duration of their radio activity. (See below article CNRS)

Some researchers are even looking to transform them into useful material to other applications. It's wiser than to spread fear, never a means to advance democracy, except for some politicians used to gather votes sucker disoriented, time of elections.

REACTOR "MYRRHA propria ..."
(Article CNRS)

© SCK * CEN / Mol & CNRS/IN2P3/IPN Orsay
Myrrha project could give rise to a new nuclear system able to transmute radioactive waste. ________________________________________

Transmutation is also part axes of work preferred by the PACE program. But in parallel, the CNRS has launched in collaboration with the Centre for the Study of Belgian nuclear energy (SKC-CEN), in the proposed Multi-Purpose Research Reactor Hybrid for High-tech Applications (Myrrha). Objective: To achieve the first representative of a new nuclear system one of whose main purposes is to transmute radioactive waste. In a conventional reactor, fission of a nucleus bombarded by neutrons released a neutron, which in turn fissions another kernel and so there is talk of a chain reaction. In the new ADS (Accelerator Driven Systems), a source neutron - a particle accelerator - is external to the reactor, allowing better control the chain reaction. In fact, this reactor called "subcritical" is very flexible and controllable, a guarantee of his safety. In addition, ADS provides, in a controlled manner, to transmute waste highly radiotoxic, ie to transform long-lived isotopes in other shorter-lived or stable. Thus, actinides that have lifetimes of hundreds of thousands of years there would be transmuted into fission fragments lifetime much shorter, about a hundred years. Review of the operation: a immediate reduction of the toxicity of waste in the long term, thereby reducing the storage time.


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