Saturday, December 18, 2010

Making A Pikachu Costume


A charge of Portugal in Coimbra, at the feria ceretan 2009. Memories .... Exoticism? Why not, so CERET is so close to our hearts aficionado, imbued with the spirit of the fiesta brava, but so its authenticity is precisely the opposite of the concerns and intentions of the organizers of the "big" ferias friquées to faenas frivolities .
On one side: the LIDIA de toros!
the other hand, the ballet of the bullfighter and the tissues that completes indulto too often villainous, undeserved, fool, like a becerillo by Castella, Mexico

A CERET were chosen long ago to defend effectively the bullfight, to respect its spirit - they chose real TOROS - we respect guns, anything that preserves and guarantees the authenticity and truth of combat .
For the bullfight is above all a fight.
ADAC, Association ceretan aficionados, has just unveiled the names of farms that will trample his ruedo for the next fair in 9 and July 10 next.

This year, organizers Top Vallespir we propose two bullfights and two novilladas

a bullfight with 6 toros de Couto de FORNILHOS of Barranco-Alentajo, Portugal - recessed Tamaron, the second with 6 RésoSanté Don José ESCOLAR GIL, of Lanzahita - Avila-, recessed Saltilla Albaserrada.

novillada A 6-novillos Don Jose Joaquin MORENO DE SILVA, Palma del Rio - Cordoba-, recessed Marqués de Saltilla, and finally 4 novillos IRMÃOS of DIAS, Salvaterra de Magos, of Santo Estevao Benavente, recessed Tera Prtuguesa - Norbert Pedroso-

That wish, both for organizers and for ceretan al toro fans flocked from around the world torista? That disappointment, if there does come that coletudos face difficult problems, we hope not insurmountable and that piqueros peons are true professionals, respectful of toro, the public, palco, and their function. At least the farms are up to our expectations and our demands, and that the rules are applied lidia with the utmost seriousness.

Indeed, today and in general, the bullfighters get used to make dozens and dozens of passes in front of so noble beasts and weak animals, from mono recessed, that is to say without caste or force nor sentido, that when confronted with farms recessed, so too difficult to implement them goad stereotyped, their technical knowledge is woefully inadequate very quickly: they have walked, toréent on the passage, the teacher, c is the toro is the debacle, leaving the aficionado dissatisfied, especially since often the matador tries to dominate the public to hide his glaring deficiencies Desplantes judged by a bad taste.

names bullfighters are not yet known.

Meanwhile, let us remember these dates: CERET, 9 and 10 July 2011.


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